Del Mar Doctor, which translates to 'of the sea' in Spanish, is an Integrative Clinic located in San Diego, California.

Under the guidance of Dr. Renée West, a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor, the clinic specializes in patients who feel defeated when traditional doctors lack time, an accurate diagnoses, and rely solely on pharmaceutical prescriptions to suppress symptoms.

Our patients appreciate patient-centered care, desire to discover the root cause of their ailments, and know their healing journey 

As an integrative clinic, we take the best of all healing modalities using Western medicine's diagnostic tools, such as labs, and imaging for supportive evidence of a diagnosis. 

whose desire is you return to a vibrant state of vital health.

It results in you waking up with enthusiasm to start each day because you are energetic and can do your favorite activities pain-free.


using nanopharmacology, the language of the body




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Wellness from within  

the symbiotic interconnectedness of 

Wellness from within  

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Wellness from within  

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